All Courses, Feature Updates
Chime v3.59 New Features and Updates
CourseThis course outlines the new features and updates released with Chime v3.59 on January 17, 2023
All Courses, Lender Resources
Lender Resources
CourseThis course is meant for Lenders and covers the primary account functions.
All Courses, Feature Updates
Chime v3.57 New Features and Updates
CourseThis course outlines the new features and updates released with Chime v3.57 on December 7, 2022
All Courses, Feature Updates
Chime v3.56 New Features and Updates
CourseThis course outlines the new features and updates released with Chime v3.56 on November 16, 2022
All Courses, Feature Updates
Chime v3.55 New Features and Updates
CourseThis course outlines the new features and updates released with Chime v3.55 on October 26, 2022
All Courses, Lofty Admin Onboarding
Onboarding: Enterprise Platform
CourseThis course is meant for Enterprise Platform, Account Admins/Owners to learn how to set up their Lofty Account.